Healing With Yvette Logo in purple and transparent background

Energy Healing Services

If you are feeling stagnant, frenzied, or out of sorts physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, energy healing can help. The work we do together helps bring you back to center or elevate you to the next level.

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No matter where you live, we can partner together. Energy healing knows no bounds.

Although my energy healing journey all started when I became a Reiki Master...

I’ve added the use of oils, crystal healing, crystal divination, light language and spirit message interpretation to my practice.  Based on a conversation you and I have, we choose the healing path and modalities that best serve you.

Complimentary Services

 It’s incredibly important that you feel we are a fit, 

I have developed these free offerings for you.

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Complimentary Discovery Call

If you aren’t sure what type of energy healing is for you, let’s schedule a time to chat. If I can’t help you, I know someone who can. Time: 15-30 Minutes

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Complimentary Group Healings

These energy healing sessions are announced on FB and the message and light language downloads are shared there after the session is done.

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Virtual Energy Share

These free Zoom sessions are for inexperienced AND trained energy workers of any modality to do group sessions with one another.
Time: About an hour

A graphic of an ebook called " Supporting your Chakras" with transparent background
free resource
DIY Chakra Workbook

Get a workbook with some information on how to support your chakras with food, oil and crystals. 


Chakra Master Class

Dive deeper into the world of chakra self-support. Learn how the Archangels, yoga, mantras, foods, oils, and crystals can help you support each chakra. Create mantras that are personalized to your life. Receive over 2 hours of video training and a 20-page printable workbook filled with information.
Cost: $27.27

Energy Healing in person or Distance

We partner together to release your energetic blocks and get your energy flowing. We connect with your soul's knowing while I use Reiki, intuition, and other healing tools. In addition, I offer you suggestions for oils and crystals that will help you on your journey.
Time: 60 Minutes - Cost $77.00

Mini Distance Sessions

This energy healing option is perfect when you have just a little bit of time to get a tune-up. Before we begin, you’ll send me a text message to let me know our focus. You’ll sit quietly during our scheduled time and I’ll send energy healing your way.
Time: 20 minutes -$33.00

Crystal Healing Session

This is an energy healing session with the addition of crystals. You'll choose crystals that we use for each of the 7 chakras. This can be done in person or distance. After the session, you’ll receive an email write-up of the crystals we used for the session so you can add them to your collection should you choose.
Time: 75 minutes - $99.00

Healing Crystals in a purple bag

Crystal Divination

You gain clarification and direction during your reading. Utilizing crystals and a grid, I share what the Universe and your soul want you to know.  You can choose to have me do a recording and send it to you OR we can meet in person or via Zoom and you can be present while I do the reading. The in-person and Zoom options allow you to ask questions. This session is also recorded and sent to you.

Time: In person or via Zoom about 45 minutes. $66        $44 for just a recording. 

Reiki Classes

If you are interested in learning how to use energy healing on yourself (Reiki 1) or start to use it with others (Reiki 2) or do distance Reiki and become a Reki Master (Reiki 3), let me know and I’ll let you know when the next classes will be held or you can check my calendar to see if anything is listed.

An Image of Yvette LeFlore with a blue top and nature in the background
Reiki Class 1 Alumni

I had the pleasure of taking a Reiki 1 class with Yvette. She welcomed us into her practice with the grace and compassion of a true teacher and healer. All of us who have had the privilege of learning from her are truly blessed to have her with us on our spiritual journeys!

Maureen F.

Taking Reiki 1 with Yvette, has opened up a channel of energy for me that has been amazing. It helped me become very aware of the energy around me and be reassured about the energy and direction I receive from the universe. I can not wait to take Reiki 2 with Yvette and keep expanding my abilities.

Jillian S.
Image of a woman with brown hair
A picture of Yvette Leflore smiling, with a blue blouse and nature as a background

As a child, I had an imaginary friend and an incredible intuition to feel ALLLL the things happening in my household. (teen parents, divorcing parents, stepfamily, terminal illness of my father and alcoholic grandfather to name a few.) 

At such a young age I wasn’t able to process all of my or the adults’ emotions.  As an adult, when I began to add Reiki and energy healing to my talk therapy healing journey, I gained a deeper level of healing. This is what began my path to Healing with Yvette.

I’m still on an energy healing journey because I’m not only continuing to heal myself but my ancestral line. I live from “when one heals, we all heal” which is why I’m passionate about helping those on their journeys of metamorphosis. 

What my clients have to say:

Body, mind, and spirit. Yvette gets it. While some people consider Reiki a little woo-woo, I find energy work integral to good health and wellness.

As a massage therapist, I primarily work on the body but I have learned that healing involves so much more than muscles and increasing range of motion. It also means going within, facing grief and trauma and learning how to connect with one's inner voice and subconscious mind. Yvette creates a safe place from where I can do that kind of work. She has the capacity and understanding to allow me to work deeply while offering support and expertise in moving the energy I need to address.

She's caring, professiona,l and insightful (and also has a great sense of humor which can help put me at ease when I've had a challenging session). I feel protected when in her hands and am very grateful for her sincere interest in doing her best for me. She's the shit...
A picture of a woman with salt and pepper hair, smiling, this is a testimonial picture for Healing with Yvette
Jen Grassler, LMT
Overland Therapeutic Massage
I have been lucky to work with Yvette both professionally and as a client. Working with her in sessions that combine our individual trainings is always a pleasure and provides an extra boost to my patients' acupuncture sessions. I feel comfortable referring my patients to her and know they will be taken care of when they see her in any capacity. Her sessions with my patients have the benefit of enhancing the work that we are doing in acupuncture sessions with me.

As a client, I feel like I am in good, healing hands in sessions with her. Yvette has strong intuition and insight. I feel a profound change after our work.
A picture of a woman with glasses, brown hair, smiling at a camera, this is a testimonial picture for Healing with Yvette
Katie Clifton
Licensed Acupuncturist and Owner of Queenpin Acupuncture

It’s time to set your appointment or discovery call with me! I’m looking forward to working with you.

Contact: info@healingwithyvette.com

Whether you are looking for relaxation, you want to remove unseen blocks and grow spiritually or anything in between I partner with you for that journey.

Get a monthly crystal divination, information about crystal and oil suggestions, and more each month.

Copyright © Healing With Yvette 2023